Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detrax culis ex, nihis in mei. Mei an periculaeuripidis.
Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat.
Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detrax culis ex, nihis in mei. Mei an periculaeuripidis, hem ei est Alienum phae dru m torquatos n ec eu Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec. Alienu phaedrum torquatos, hem ei est Alienum phae dru nec eu.
888 99 0032
The name of the Foundation is Human Rights Foundation
The registered office of the Foundation is situated at 262, Senpara Parbata, Jafrul, Mirpur- 10 , Dhaka- 1216, Bangladesh. But upon decision of the Board of the Foundation it can be changed anywhere in Bangladesh and in abroad.
Will be through out Bangladesh and as per decision will open branch offices anywhere in Bangladesh.
It is a non-government, non-profitable, non-political, voluntary and charitable organization. All the objects will be implemented after obtaining necessary permission from the Government / Concerned authority/ Competent authority before implementation of the objects and the objects contrary to the provision of Section 20 of the Act shall be treated as ineffective.
The fund of the society will be spent in implementing aims and objectives of the society and income of the society shall not be distributed among the members of the society by way of dividend or bonus.
The Executive Committee will get the accounts of the Society audited by any Chartered Accountant Firm. Audit report will be submitted and approved in the Annual General Meeting.
Upon the winding up or dissolution of the Society there shall remain, after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities any property whatsoever, the same shall be handed over or transferred or given to some other institutions, having objectives similar to the objectives of Society, to be determined by the 3/5 voting of the general and founder members of the Society in the extra ordinary general meeting at or before the dissolution.